Culture interview Phenomenology

Soulful Interviews

What is a soulful interview? Why is it important? How does it impact research and recruitment? Every interview has the potential to be a singular event, yet most interviews gravitate toward patterns that are frequently repeated. The spectrum between complete uniqueness and total repetition represents the range in which most interviews take place. Interviews, whether for research or recruitment, can become mechanical procedures, overlooking the fact that they are human encounters that can be conducted…

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Career Transition interview UX Research

User-Experience (UX) Research Interviews

The following seven interviews were conducted during the October and November of 2022. The interviewees represent a diverse group of paths into, and fields within, User-Experience Research. Therefore, the interviews serve as a good, general introduction to the field for those interested in learning about it. More interviews are available on my YouTube channel.

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Descriptive Psychology Education interview Phenomenological Psychology Phenomenology philosophical psychology

Interview with Marc Applebaum

Recently I had the pleasure of speaking with Marc Applebaum. We talked about his experience and education in psychological research and about how his interest was first developed in phenomenology. We also talk about phenomenological attitude, the importance of empathy with the experience of another human being, the connection between knowing someone and the style of relating to them, and how the phenomenological attitude differs from the attitude encouraged by natural scientific psychology. I hope…

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critical psychology interview philosophical psychology

Interview with Jan Smedslund

Jan Smedslund is a Professor Emeritus at University of Oslo, Norway. He began his research career with experimental work on cognitive development. His collaborators include Jean Piaget and Jerome Bruner. During 1967-8, he turned away from experimental work and began working on conceptual and foundational issues in psychology (Smedslund, 1991b). In 1988 he published Psycho-Logic, a later edition of which was published in 1997 as The Structure of Psychological Common-Sense. Psycho-Logic is the project of…

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