- Civilization and Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud [recordings]
- Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen [recordings]
- Capitalism and the Death Drive by Byung-Chul Han [recordings]
- To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf [recordings]
- Why Philosophize? Lectures by Jean-François Lyotard [recordings]
- Scenes of Clerical Life by George Eliot [recordings]
- Exile and the Kingdom by Albert Camus [recordings]
- Better Living Through Criticism: How to Think About Art, Pleasure, Beauty, and Truth by A. O. Scott [recordings]
- Deconstruction & Pragmatism by Chantal Mouffe, Simon Critchley, Jacques Derrida, Ernesto Laclau, and Richard Rorty [recordings]
- Understanding Poststructuralism by James Williams [recordings]
- The Fall by Albert Camus
- Identity by Milan Kundera
- Slowness by Milan Kundera
- Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro
- The Gift of Death by Jacques Derrida
- Slouching towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion
- Against Interpretation & Other Essays (selections) by Susan Sontag
- Inventing the Enemy & Other Occasional Writings by Umberto Eco
- Basic Writings of Immanuel Kant – collected & edited by Allen Wood
- On Populist Reason (selections) by Ernesto Laclau
- The Jung Reader (selections), collected & edited by David Tacey
- Conversations on Science, Culture, & Time – Michel Serres & Bruno Latour
- Ethics by Baruch Spinoza
- A Thousand Plateaus (selections) by Félix Guattari, Gilles Deleuze
- Truth & Method (selections) by Hans-Georg Gadamer
- The Penguin Freud Reader (selections) collected & edited by Adam Phillips
Current Schedule and Texts