Artificial Intelligence book review Criticism technology sectors UX Research

Review of “More than a Glitch” by Meredith Broussard

In her book “More than a Glitch: Confronting Race, Gender, and Ability in Tech,” Meredith Broussard explores how various tech fields, including AI, user-interface design, surveillance, and predictive coding, perpetuate social biases on the basis of race, gender, and ability. She covers topics such as face recognition software, predictive policing, predictive grading in education, and medical diagnosis, and identifies problems in these fields that are exacerbated by blind faith in technology. Broussard uses the term…

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Career Transition interview UX Research

User-Experience (UX) Research Interviews

The following seven interviews were conducted during the October and November of 2022. The interviewees represent a diverse group of paths into, and fields within, User-Experience Research. Therefore, the interviews serve as a good, general introduction to the field for those interested in learning about it. More interviews are available on my YouTube channel.

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